Multi Daily

Multi Daily Alfa Vitamins capsule along with minerals, ginseng and micronutrients with a daily dose and very high quality, fulfills your body’s need for all kinds of vitamins and improves the hormonal system, improves the immune system, improves the body’s metabolism, and rejuvenates the skin. , hair and nails and guarantee the health of bones.


Product Specifications

Capsules, in cans of 60 and 120 pieces and boxes of 30 pieces.


5000 IU

Vitamin A

30 IU

Vitamin E
400 IU

Vitamin D3

1.5 MG

Vitamin B1
1.7 MG

Vitamin B2

20 MG

Vitamin B3
10 MG

Vitamin B5

2 MG

Vitamin B6
6 MG

Vitamin B12

300 MCG

400 MCG

Folic Acid

60 MG

Vitamin C
18 MG


10 MG

200 MG


5 MG

Choline Bitartrate
5 MG


50 MG

Korean ginseng
20 MG


40 MG

Linseed powder


  • Supplying the daily need for vitamins and minerals
  • Improve the function of the immune system
  • Increase energy and physical strength


consumption instruction

Take one tablet daily, preferably with food.


Vitamin A:

Vitamin A is one of the fat-soluble vitamins. Vitamins A or retinol are for the growth of the body, especially in children, and for the proper functioning of the immune system and mucus, such as the intestinal mucosa, and to prevent infections (microbial diseases), to improve the vision of people in low light, such as at night, and to maintain the health of the eye surface, to defend the body and the health of the skin.

vitamn C:

Increasing heart health, regulating blood pressure levels, increasing body immunity, fighting cancer, helping to treat arthritis, treating preeclampsia, increasing eye health.

B vitamins:

Preventing infections and strengthening the function of immune cells, better maturation of blood cells, increasing body energy level, better vision, better brain function, better food digestion, balanced appetite, healthy neurons.


Preventing MS, strengthening bones, reducing eye damage, improving diabetes, removing muscle spasms, reducing weight gain.

vitamin E:

Wound healing, prevention of skin cancer, reduction of skin itching, reduction or prevention of scarring, prevention or treatment of fine lines and wrinkles on the face, prevention of sunburn, nail health.

vitamn C:

Increasing heart health, regulating blood pressure levels, increasing body immunity, fighting cancer, helping to treat arthritis, treating preeclampsia, increasing eye health.

This vitamin activates the protein needed for normal blood clotting; A protein that heals wounds and prevents excessive bleeding.

Biotin or vitamin B7 is one of the B vitamins. This water-soluble vitamin is also known as vitamin H.

Biotin is a coenzyme that plays a role in the metabolism of fatty acids, carbohydrates and amino acids, as well as the synthesis of vitamins B6 and B12.

Folic Acid:

Treats folate deficiency in the body, compensates for birth defects and pregnancy complications, maintains brain health, treats people with mental disorders, controls blood sugar levels in diabetics, affects female fertility, inflammatory and kidney diseases. decreases.


Creating energy, increasing hemoglobin, the main function of iron is to transport oxygen through the blood, increase the body’s athletic performance, another key role that iron plays is to transport oxygen through the blood, reduce bruising, increase concentration, detoxify the brain/body. Healthier sleep, strengthening immunity.


Calcium is involved in many basic functions of your body. Your body needs it for blood circulation, muscle movement, and hormone secretion, and it also helps carry messages from the brain to other parts of the body. Calcium is also a major part of healthy teeth and bones. It makes your bones strong and dense.


Zinc helps the body maintain proper thyroid function by affecting the production of hormones in the brain called thyroid-releasing hormones.


Vitamin P, or rutin, is a bioflavonoid found naturally in foods such as apple skins, black tea, asparagus, buckwheat, onions, green tea, figs, and most citrus fruits. Rutin is also known as Vitamin P or Rutoside. Rutin contains an antioxidant called quercetin, which reduces inflammation. In addition to getting it through food, you can also use rutin as a supplement. This bioflavonoid can have many benefits for the body that we mention.

Vitamin P or rutin can protect the body in several ways:

Protecting brain cells from damage
Blocking inflammatory enzymes (phospholipase A2) similar to corticosteroids but without side effects
Reducing oxidative stress and free radicals
Safe reduction of high blood pressure: It affects the same pathways as drugs used for high blood pressure.
Increased acetylcholine
Binding and neutralizing toxic compounds that are created in the body when exposed to radiation.


Linseed powder:

Flaxseed has been used as a herbal medicine for nearly 6,000 years. This plant is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and contains vitamin E, vitamin B6, iron and zinc. Flax seeds have anti-cancer effects and help treat blood sugar, stomach ulcer and intestinal inflammation, kidney stones, bladder inflammation, cough and painful migraines.

One of the most important therapeutic properties of this wonderful plant is its laxative and anti-constipation properties. Flax seeds contain a large amount of fiber that has the property of absorbing liquids, and for this reason, they increase the volume of feces, followed by the movement of the stretch receptors in the intestinal wall and the increase of intestinal smoky movements, and in this way, they exert their laxative effects. they do.

Choline bitartrate:

It is a lipotropic compound that aids in the removal of fat from the liver by helping the body break down fats during metabolism. The liver converts fats and cholesterol into very low-density lipoproteins (VLDPs), a process that requires the synthesis of phosphatidylcholine. After collecting VLDLs, the body can remove fats and cholesterol from the liver.


Inositol is a carbohydrate found in the body, food and dietary supplements. There are different forms of this molecule and each of them has the same chemical structure as glucose. The properties of inositol are remarkable because it plays a role in many body processes. Inositol supplements may help treat certain conditions, including some anxiety and fertility disorders.

Korean ginseng:

The mechanism of action of ginsinoside Re is to inhibit radicals. Ginsenoside Re can specifically inhibit H2O2 and hydroxyl. This ginsenoside plays an important role in antioxidant effects to increase cardiac survival and contractile function during ischemia and reperfusion.

Additional information

product type


Number in package

120 numbers
60 numbers
30 number

Gender consumption


under license


Manufacturing Country



Arian Sana


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